European Long Distance



Immerse yourself in a natural wonderland

Hiking Crete is the best way to see
beautiful landscapes and explore vast wilderness areas.
So grab a pack and put on your walking boots.


Hiking Gorges



The E4 Trail



The Great Walks


The E4 European Long Distance Path encompasses a large network of trails with special cultural, natural and historical value. It is marked by the European Ramblers Association and crosses the island from Kissamos to Zakros, after crossing all major Mountain Ranges in Crete (White Mountains, Kedros, Ida Range, Dikti and Thripti). Hikers have the opportunity to explore a wide range of landscapes of great diversity. Apart from the E4, there are plenty of options for majestic mapped routes.

The colors of the E4 trail signing are yellow and black 

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Trail Kastamonitsa - Tsouli Mnima - Agios Georgios (Lassithi Plateau)

From Kastamonitsa, the E4 European trail heads to east and passes by Saint George at position Mesada. It continues to the east, near the ruins of the ancient aqueduct of Lyktos. It soon ascends to the Plateau Lassithi through the stunning Minoan path that winds up the steep slopes of Dikti. It comes by the position Tsouli Mnima, the village Kato Metohi and after crossing the plateau of Lassithi, it reaches the village of Agios Georgios.

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1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Rating 4.80 (5 Votes)
Trail Omalos - Kallergis - Katsiveli

One of the most mystical and most demanding paths of Crete is the European trail E4 crossing of Mountain Desert of the White Mountains. Crossing the White mountains usually takes three days. The proposed route starts at the plateau of Omalos and the first night is spent at Refuge Kallergis.

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1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Rating 2.93 (15 Votes)
Trail Sougia - Koustogerako - Omalos

Starting from Sougia, apart from the gorge of Agia Irini, we can choose the alternative route that comes through the beautiful settlement Koustogerako. Then the trail continues and crosses the pine wood by Olisma and conludes at Seliniotikos Gyros, i.e. the southwest passage to Omalos Plateau.

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Trail E4 Spili - Kedros- Gerakari

The route starts from Spili, reaches the spring of Agia Fotia, and then ascends to Kissos. It comes above the Monastery of the Holy Spirit and climbs to the summit of Mount Kedros (1776 m.). From there we go back and meet the trail that leads to the Church of the Prophet Elijah and descends to Gerakari. This route is a part of the European E4 trail.

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1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Rating 4.17 (6 Votes)
Trail Katsiveli - Niatos - Askyfou

This is probably the harderst part of the entire Cretan E4 path, but also one of the most amazing sceneries you could ever imagine. The signing of E4 with poles and brushed marks is quite sufficient, but we have to be careful for not losing our directions. This course has some steep passages, thus it is not suggested to cross it in winter when snow is high.

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1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Rating 3.29 (7 Votes)
Trail Tzermiado - Nissimos - Karfi

From Tzermiado the E4 European Trail follows the road that climbs to the plateau Onisimos. We cross the small plateau, where the church of St. Ariadne is sited, follow the uphill path that passes from the ancient terraces used for cultivation and reach the ancient settlement of Karfi. The view from the top is breathtaking.

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