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Saint George Church at Kavousi

For the usual practices of eastern Crete, the church of Saint George at Kavoussi, is a barrel-vaulted church of large dimensions with two wings on the west side which create a T-shaped narthex. The great length of the church may have resulted from an extension to the east during a second construction phase.

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Church of Agia Paraskevi at Pendamodi

In a secluded and lush green area north of village Pendamodi, a dirt road heads to the small single-aisled church of Agia Paraskevi. The surroundings of the temple are beautifully landscaped and here locals organize cultural events in summer.

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Saint John Kambitis Church

Amid the fertile plain of Lassithi, among potato crops and the characteristic metal windmills of the plateau, we meet the temple of Saint John Kambitis (or Mesokapiditis) which means Saint John of the Plain. The temple is dedicated to St. John the Baptist and is the largest pilgrimage of the province of Lasithi.

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Fourni Cave at Alikambos

The wider region of the village Alikambos, at Chania, we meet several caves because of the limestone bedrock. One of these caves is Fourni located in the village. Fourni unlike other caves of the region does not bear cave decoration as it is really poor. However it surely has the most important history of all, because it is located inside the village and, therefore, served as a shelter for the locals, especially during the bombardments of the Second World War. Fourni entrance is not easy to access, due to being blocked by rubbish and vegetation.

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Petinos Gorge at Lithines

The small gorge of Petinos or gorge Anavryta is shaped northwest of Lithines village, Sitia province. It is a technical gorge, meaning that crossing it requires canyoning equipment, as along it's course it forms about 12 waterfalls, with the highest reaching about 20m. 

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Ναός Παναγίας στη Λειβάδα Φουρφουρά

Ο ναός της Παναγίας Καρδιώτισσας βρίσκεται στην τοποθεσία Λειβάδα ή Αρκολιώ, νότια του Φουρφουρά και αποτέλεσε μικρή γυναικεία μονή. Σήμερα σώζεται το καθολικό που είναι αφιερωμένο στη Γένεση της Θεοτόκου, ενώ υπάρχουν ίχνη κι από τα κελιά. Το εσωτερικό του ναού φέρει ίχνη τοιχογραφιών του 15ου αιώνα, από τις οποίες ξεχωρίζει ο Άγιος Γεώργιος και η Δευτέρα Παρουσία.

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Damothi Plateau

Damothi is located at Zoniano Aori, at the north side of Psiloritis Range, and is one of the highest plateaus of Crete. It is located at an altitude of 1680 meters between the two peaks of Kourouna (1850 meters) and the main peaks of Psiloritis (Agathias and Holy Cross - 2456 meters).

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Vleroma Settlement

Vleroma is a small abandoned village, which was deserted due to moving to cities This was a Christians' village of the province Monofatsi, next to the (also) deserted Muslim village of Grantos. The village retains the small church of Agios Ioannis the Forerunner (Rigologos

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