At the highest point of Houdetsi village, position Marolliana, we meet the cavernous chapel of Agia Paraskevi. It is a very small temple within a carved room, almost square shape, which was possible carved in a preexisting cave. According to Paul Faure it was a Minoan sanctuary several centuries ago. Agia Paraskevi is celebrated on July 26 by Christian Orthodoxy.
On the days of carnival (Net Monday) in several villages of Crete revive several customs and traditions, such as that of the Camel. The Camel consists of two people who are covered with clothes and ornaments forming the shape of a camel. This is driven by the camel man in the village alleys. The camel man paints his face black and is dressed in clothes, reminding of an Arab.
The Kotsanas Museum of Ancient Greek Technology studies, highlights and presents to the Greek and foreign visitors the technology of ancient Greeks, an extremely important but relatively unknown aspect of the ancient Greek culture. In a Venetian building, the Palazzo d’ Ittar in the center of Heraklion guests have the unique opportunity to explore the exhibition "Hi-Tech Inventions of Ancient Greeks".
Στο Καστέλλι Πεδιάδος υπάρχει ο παλιός ναός του Χριστού, ο οποίος σώζει ίχνη τοιχογραφιών μεγάλης καλλιτεχνικής αξίας του 14ου αιώνα. Στις τοιχογραφίες διακρίνονται σκηνές της Πεντηκοστής, της Ετοιμασίας του Θρόνου, διάφοροι Άγιοι, η Δέηση, ο Άγιος Γεώργιος και ο Αρχάγγελος Μιχαήλ με στρατιωτική ενδυμασία και ξίφος, ως προστάτης του ναού.
Αυτό είναι ένα πολύ εύκολο τμήμα του μονοπατιού Ε4 της Κρήτης, που διέρχεται ως επί το πλείστον μέσα από χωματόδρομους και άσφαλτο. Από τη Δάφνη προχωράμε στα ανατολικά και μέσα από χωματόδρομους και μονοπάτια φτάνουμε στο απομονωμένο χωριό Βορί, όπου αξίζει να περιπλανηθούμε στα στενά του σοκάκια.
One of the most well kept secrets of Akrotiri Cape is the cave of Haviare, one of the most beautiful of Akrotiri that has a very rich cave decoration. However, the beauty is not limited inside the cave but continues in the surrounding area. A few meters away from the beautiful and imposing entrance of the cave, we see several crystals.
At the northern end of the plain of Kastelli, between the villages Sklaverohori and Agii Apostoli (Pediada district), we meet Panagia Kera. Access is very easy because it's on the main road. The informative signs tell us that the church dates from the 14th century. This is another single-aisled church, built during the Venetian occupation of Crete, a time when the island was decorated with resplendent temples, most of which carried rich wall paintings.
Xerokambi beach is located about 70 km southeast of Heraklion and belongs to the periphery of Kastri. Most visitors of the area are unaware of its existence, as they visit mainly the famous beach of Listis and the organized beaches of Kastri and Keratokambos. In Xerokambi there are mainly greenhouses for growing early vegetables.