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Panagia Gorgoipikoos church at Pigaidakia

The church of Panagia Gorgoepikoos is located at the territory of the village Pigaidakia, near the beginning of the stream that ends on Karavovrissi beach in Kali Limenes. Today only the temple is preserved from the complex that till the beginning of the 20th century was a small monastery.

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Church of Saint Eutychius at Tsiskiana

A few meters east of the neighborhood Tsiskiana of the village Epanochori, province Selino, we meet the Byzantine church of Saint Eutychius (celebr. August 24th). The temple is small, single-nave and vaulted and was built in a green ravine with huge plane trees. Among the frescoes of the 15th century that stand out there are scenes of sinners.

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Saint John the Theologian church at Armeni

The single-nave arched church of Saint John the Theologian (Agios Ioannis Theologos) is located in the central square of the village Armeni, province Apokoronas. The church was built in the 16th century on the site of an older 13th-century domed temple, which in turn was built on the site of the central aisle of a 6th-century Early Christian basilica.

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Ναός Αγίων Απόστόλων στους Ανδρόμυλους

Ο ναός των Αγίων Αποστόλων βρίσκεται στον ερειπωμένο οικισμό Αδρόμυλοι, βόρεια από τις Λιθίνες Σητείας. Πρόκειται για δίκλιτο ναό του οποίου το βόρειο κλίτος αποτελεί προσθήκη στον αρχικό μονόχωρο ναό του 9ου αιώνα.

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Church of Saint Charalambos in Paliama

The impressive two-naved church of Agios Charalambos and Panagia is preserved in the green valley with the deserted settlement of Paliama. The temple interior bears fragmentary traces of frescoes, but its main feature is the presence of ancient architectural parts on the walls.

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