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Agia Marina church at Messeleri

The Byzantine church of Agia Marina is preserved in the cemetery of village Meseleri in Ierapetra with exceptional wall paintings dating back to the Venetian era (14th century). Among the frescoes that stand out are the birth of Jesus and the Descent to Hades in the sanctuary (instead of the usual depiction of the Ascension of Jesus).

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Rating 3.75 (4 Votes)
Ναός Προφήτη Αβδιού

Το χωριό Αβδού παίρνει το όνομά του από τον Προφήτη Αβδιού. Στην τοποθεσία Λινές έχει αναστηλωθεί κατεστραμμένος ναός που πιστεύεται ότι ανήκε στον προφήτη Αβδιού και έχει λάβει το όνομά του. Ο ναός εορτάζει στις 19 Νοεμβρίου.

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Saint Constantine church at Parakalouri

Parakalouri, now known as Saint Constantine, is a small village of the province of Mirabello. Apart from the small lake formed in winter, the place is known for the church of Saint Constantine and Saint Helen which bears frescoes dating back from the Venetian Era.

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Saint Demetrius church at Galifa

Saint Demetrius by Galifa operated as a monastery during the Venetian Era, as evidenced even today by the dispersed traces of monk cells around. The doorway is impressive with a relief representation of Saint Demetrius on horseback. The small monastery was a dependency of Agarathos monastery.

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Saint Panteleimon Church at Houdetsi

Just outside the village Houdetsi and very close to the archaeological site of Vathypetro we meet the cavernous church of St. Panteleimon (Pantaleon). It is built on a slope of an area called Thergia with amazing views to the valleys of the northern Heraklion and the sacred mountain of Youchtas.

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Ναός Παναγίας στα Σκουλούφια

Κοντά στο Δημοτικό Σχολείο του χωριού Σκουλούφια υπάρχει ο ερειπωμένος ναός της Παναγίας, του οποίου η στέγη έχει καταρρεύσει. Ο ναός που χρονολογείται από το 1410 δε φέρει τοιχογραφικό διάκοσμο, αλλά σώζεται ακόμη ένα πολύ όμορφο γλυπτό παράθυρο.

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