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Saint Anthony Church at Avdou

Saint Anthony is located at the western end of Avdou and is a small single-nave vaulted church built in the 13th - 14th century. The church bears frescoes of Emmanuel and Ioannis Fokas. It is the only case in Crete of bicolored frescoes. The painters used only the reddish - brown and blue - lilac colors.

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Πολυβολείο στου Τζιβέρη τη Λίμνη

Σε κανένα σημείο της Κρητικής ακτογραμμής δεν συναντάμε τόσα πολλά Γερμανικά πολυβολεία όσα στο παραλιακό μέτωπο της Ιεράπετρας. Τα πολυβολεία αυτά είναι τσιμεντένια και θυμίζουν στο σχήμα τους τα ιγκλού από πάγο που έφτιαχναν οι Εσκιμώοι ενώ έχουν και τα χαρακτηριστικά ανοίγματα για τα πολυβόλα.

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Πύργος Αμπέλας στην Κριτσά

Μέσα στη Κριτσά, στην τοποθεσία Αμπέλα, υπάρχουν τα ερείπια ενός μικρού μεσαιωνικού πύργου με καμάρα. Προφανώς ο πύργος αυτός χρησιμοποιήθηκε για την επίβλεψη των σοδειών της περιοχής, αλλά και τον έλεγχο του περάσματος προς το χωριό.

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Panagia church at Mathia

The two-aisled church of St. John and the Virgin Mary at Mathia is the result of adding a second aisle (of the Assumption) in the 19th century to the existing single-aisled church of St. John. The nave of St. John bears frescoes from the 14th century with scenes from the Mariology and the Christological cycle. There are also murals of sinners.

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Храм Преображения Господня, Ниспитас

Церковь Преображения Господня, или Господа Иисуса Христа, находится в Ниспите, на склоне долины Мирабелло, к юго-западу от Неаполиса. В этом месте в годы венецианского господства находился монастырь, принадлежащий области Неаполис – Кенурио Хорио.

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Elasa islet

Elassa is the easternmost territory of the province of Sitia and the entire Crete region, as it is located about 3 nautical miles east of Cape Sidero. It spans an area of 1.75 square kilometers, while the highest altitude is 75 meters.

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Saint Andrew church at Vourvoulitis

The church of Saint Andrew (Agios Andreas) is located in a lush green area with plane trees near the village Vourvoulitis. Next to the church there is the small cave Kalegerospilios from which gushes water and is collected to a cistern, while the roof of the cave preserves traces of a fresco of Lord Christ.

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Saint John church at Drakonero

Next to the village Galatas and very close to the Minoan Palace, at position Drakonero, we meet the two-aisled church of St. John. The church of the Byzantine Era bears frescoes in very poor condition, while inside there is an arcosolium (tomb monument) probably for the founder. Below the church there is a well with fresh water.

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