Gorges of Central Crete


Attention! The heavy rains of the last years have damaged many gorges and many paths have been destroyed so they are no longer accessible. You could inform us for such cases, so we update the listings in our website.

Lush Green Chasms

Visit Heraklion's backcountry and gain
an insight into the wonderland of Canyons.

Gorges: Rouvas | Astrakiano | Kounaviano | Almiros | Aposelemis | Agiofarago | Canyoning in Crete

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Rouvas Gorge


Near Heraklion




Arvi Gorge


Heraklion hosts many canyons, most of which cross the ranges of Psiloritis and Asterousia. Asterousia has wonderful hiking canyons, some of the most important being Agiofarago, Martsalo and Trafoulas. However, the most famous gorge is the canyon Gafaris at Psiloritis, crossing the magnificent oak wood of Rouvas. Other canyons of Psiloritis are the gorge of Kroussonas, through which passes the Minoan path to the Idaean Cave, the gorge Vromonero, the gorge Vorizano and the two small canyons of Asites (Saint Charalambos and Saint Anthony). Near Heraklion city, there are the lush canyons of Karteros, Kounavi, Sylamos, Almyros and Venerato. Moreover, the western slopes of Lassithi Mountains host the canyons of Roza, Ambelos, Apotyposi and the river Aposelemis by Hersonissos.

Apart from reachable gorges, Heraklion is home to some very popular technical canyons such as the imposing canyon of Arvi, which after an 80m high fall turns into a dark underground river. Especially the area of Tsoutsouras and Keratokambos is home to many steep canyons that have been equipped with bolts and anchors for training new canyoners.

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1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Rating 4.14 (22 Votes)
Roza Gorge

The gorge of Roza is an offshoot of the gorge of Ambelos. It starts from a point near the rural road that crosses the gorge of Ambelos and has east-southeast direction, leading to Kera.

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1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Rating 3.70 (10 Votes)
Portela Gorge

Portela Gorge is located at the south of the prefecture of Iraklion; the canyon starts from Hondros village and its exit is in Keratokambos. It is one of the most dangerous canyons in Greece.

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1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Rating 4.31 (13 Votes)
Ambas Gorge

The gorge of Ambas is located 53km south of Heraklion, in Asterousia Mountains. Starting from the small plateau formed near the village Paranymfi (710m altitude), it ends at the beach of Treis Ekklisies. This is a large (4km long) and beautiful canyon with many narrow passages, which is accessible only by experienced canyoners.

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1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Rating 3.58 (19 Votes)
Martsalo Gorge

Martsalo gorge has a length of about 2km and is located in the south coast of Asterousia Mountains, in Heraklion Prefecture. It starts from the north and ends at the Libyan Sea, in the small picturesque beach of Martsalo. Apostle Paul stopped in Martsalo, during his journey to Rome.

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1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Rating 3.50 (2 Votes)
Goula Gorge

The gorge of Goula is located south of the village Kapetaniana and ends at Agios Ioannis seaside settlement. Like the two other gorges of the area (Koumos and Gerakia) it is impassable without canyoning equipment

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1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Rating 3.09 (11 Votes)
Venerato Gorge

The unknown canyon of Venerato is located 17km south of Heraklion, just next to the village Venerato and Paliani Monastery. The deep part of the gorge is very short in length (about 500m), but its beauty does not leave the visitor unaffected, although it is badly infected by human activities.

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1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Rating 2.80 (5 Votes)
Vorizia Gorge

East of Voriza village, at the foot of Psiloritis, starts an arid canyon with holly trees that leads to the plateau of Nida Plateau and the cave Ideon Antron. The gorge is very steep at the beginning with small waterfalls coming from the brecciated steep limestone cliffs.

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